Chapter 5 Sense HAT運動感測的使用
3.5.1 俯仰、翻滾、偏擺-Using the Aircraft Principal Axes of Pitch, Roll and Yaw 3.5.2 重力方向的感側-The Detecting of Gravity Direction 3.5.3 震動觸發安全警示案例-The Case about Vibration Senor 3.5.3 震動觸發
3.5.1 俯仰、翻滾、偏擺-Using the Aircraft Principal Axes of Pitch, Roll and Yaw 3.5.2 重力方向的感側-The Detecting of Gravity Direction 3.5.3 震動觸發安全警示案例-The Case about Vibration Senor 3.5.3 震動觸發
3.4.1 ARM介紹-The Introduction of ARM 3.4.2 樹莓派介紹-The Introduction of Raspberry Pi 3.4.3 Sense HAT擴充版介紹-The Introduction of Sense HAT 3.4.4 使用Sense HAT環境感測器-Using Sense HAT for Environment
3.3.1 Python安裝入門-The Installation of Python 3.3.2 軟體包管理系統-The Package Manager for Python Packages 3.3.3 Python的虛擬環境-The Virtual Environment of Python
3.2.1 軟體安裝介紹-The Introduction of Software Installation 3.2.2 虛擬機器網路介面設定-The Setting of Network Interface for Virtual Machine 3.2.3 共用資料夾存取資源-The Accessible Resource from Sharable Folder
3.1.1 以VMware安裝Windows-Installing Windows on VMware 3.1.2 以VirtualBox安裝Windows-Installing Windows on VirtualBox 3.1.3 以VirtualBox安裝Ubuntu-Installing Ubuntu on VirtualBox