Chapter 9 物聯網的應用系統設計:資訊及簽到系統
2.9.1 認識臨場理論-The Introduction of Social Presence Theory 2.9.2 基於IOTs及iBeacon的設計技術-The Design Technique with IOTs and iBeacon 2.9.3 資訊系統之設計-The Design of Information System 2.9.4 簽
2.9.1 認識臨場理論-The Introduction of Social Presence Theory 2.9.2 基於IOTs及iBeacon的設計技術-The Design Technique with IOTs and iBeacon 2.9.3 資訊系統之設計-The Design of Information System 2.9.4 簽
2.8.1 IOTs前端感應設備-Front-End Sensors for IOTs 2.8.2 藍牙的感應功能-Bluetooth Sensitivity 2.8.3 iBeacon技術-The Technique of iBeacon 2.8.4 iBeacon應用案例-iBeacon Application Cases
2.7.1 IBM Cloud簡介-The Introduction of IBM Cloud 2.7.2 IBM 物聯網服務-The IBM of IoT Services 2.7.3 IBM 物聯網平台-The IBM Internet of Things Platform 2.7.4 IBM 物聯網案例-The IBM Watson IoT Exam
2.6.1 Google Cloud Platform簡介-The Introduction of Google Cloud Platform 2.6.2 Google Cloud IoT 核心-The Google Cloud IoT Core 2.6.3 建立物聯網裝置-Create IoT Drivers 2.6.4 連線至物聯網中心-Using t
2.5.1 認識Microsoft的解決方案-Introduction of Microsoft Azure IOT 2.5.2 認識Microsoft的解決方案-Azure IoT Solution Accelerators 2.5.3 認識Microsoft的解決方案-Microsoft Azure IoT Central 2.5.4 認識Micros